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buber.net > Basque > Music > Song > Izotz-Ondoko Eguzki
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Izotz-Ondoko Eguzki


Izotz-ondoko eguzki, neguaren farre:
olerkariak noizbait hiri goratzarre.
Emeki duk itxaroz piztu garai-larre:
udaberri-lamiek larreon batzarre.

Behetik nator, ibarrak izoztuta utziak,
mendia jaiez dago urrezko jantziaz.
Haren farrea dadat irrika biziaz,
gozatua baitu gaur ezti bereziaz.

Udalenak irria oi du zoro ozena:
udak, haragikoia; udazkenak, bena;
negu-gau ozkarbien izotz-ondorena
guztiz, bakarra duzu: denetan emeena!

Bai-baitatza eria ogean, herio
atzapar itsusia luzatzen ario:
berbizkunde-berria maiteak jario:
hitzik ezin ta irria hain ezti dagio!

Izotzak estali zuen gure Euskalerria;
mintzo ozenak zabaldu berbizkun berria.
Itzal-zokondoetan lore, izotz-bitxia
baina haren gainetik jauntzen eguzkia.
The sun after the frost, like laughter in winter,
the poet would like to pay you homage.
You have gently illuminated with hope the high pastures
the elves of spring run around in the meadows.

I come from down below, leaving the frozen lowlands
the mountains are celebrating, all dressed in gold.
I drink from their laughter intensely,
sweetened today with a special kind of honey.

The spring has a crazy and loud laughter
the summer, a lustful one; the fall a sorrowful one,
the one after the frost of the winter night with clear skies
is truly unique, indeed the softest and smoothest one of all.

Imagine the sick lying on her bed, with death
its ominous claws rearing near.
She is revived by the words of her lover,
She's unable to speak but the sweetest smile appears in her face.

The ice and frost covered our country too;
but a new loud voice has announced a rebirth.
In the shady corners the frost still dominates
but on higher ground the sun is spreading rapidly.

This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!