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buber.net > Basque > Music > Song > Bertso Berriak
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Bertso Berriak

(Atxaga - Zaharra/Ordorika)

Bertso berriak jartzera noa
euskara garbi batian
hitz politen bila ez etorri
hortaz gelditu atian
barruak lasaituko ditut
eztarriaren kaltian
nire kantuak idurituko du
zakurren zaunka katian

Uztaila hontan beteko ditut
nik nahi baino urte geiho
ilea galtzearren nik ez dut
ematen gizon serio
ene hitz garbienak ere ez du
inon ezer ez balio
nire buruari sekulan ez dio
inork jarriko prezio

Gau ixil hontan ikusten zaitut
iparraldeko izarra
hamabost urteko neska baten
ametsa bezain ederra
urruti zaude mundu hontatik
librea eta bakarra
inoren menpe kantatzen duzu ta
zure boza da zilarra

Eguzkiaren hautsak oritzen
duenean egun berria
pozten zara gaztain iluna/
zabaltzen duzu orria
ez zara makina beltz baten
pioi zerbitzaria
kalean arrastaka dabilen
nire antzeko piztia.
I am going to sing some new verses
in beautiful Basque.
Don't come looking for beautiful words though.
If you do, please stay outside the door.
I'm going to let out what I carry inside
no matter what it might do to my throat.
My song will seem
like the barking of a chained dog.

This July I will be
older than I'd like,
having lost my heair
I don't look like a serious man
my clearest words
aren't worth very much either.
Nobody will ever
put a price on my head.

On this quiet night I see you
oh northern star,
as beautiful as the dream
of a fifteen year old girl
free and alone,
you sing independently of anyone
your voice is pure silver.

When the sun's powerd turns yellow
the new day
you rejoice, dark chesnut,
you spread your foliage,
you are not the servile peon
of a black machine,
like a wild animal like me
crawling on the streets.

This page is part of Buber's Basque Page and is maintained by Blas Uberuaga.
Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!