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buber.net > Basque > Euskara > 8th Lesson: Kaixo, Zer Ordu Da?
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8th Lesson: Kaixo, Zer Ordu Da?


1- Greetings:

Kaixo, zer moduz?= Hi, how are (you)?
Egunon= Good morning
Eguerdi on= Good noon
Arratsalde on= Good afternoon
Gabon= Good evening (or good night)
Urte berri on= Happy new year
Agur= Bye
Gero arte= So long
Laster arte= See you soon
Zer ordu da?= What time is it?


Berdin: you're welcome (lit: "the same")
Baita zuri ere: you're welcome (lit: "the same for you")
Halan ekarri: you're welcome (lit: "bring it yourself")
Jaungoikoak dagizula: Please God

2- Times:

Times in basque form usually with the numerals taking the plural suffix:

1.00 ordubata (one o'clock)
2.00 ordubiak (ordubi+ak: two o'clock)
3.00 hirurak (hiru+ak)
4.00 lauak (lau+ak)
5.00 bostak
6.00 seiak
7.00 zazpiak
8.00 zortziak
9.00 bederatziak
10.00 hamarrak
11.00 hamaikak
12.00 hamabiak

Times are often preceded by some complement giving more precision:

goizeko hamarrak= 10.00 am
goizeko hamarretan= at 10.00 am
gaueko hamarrak= 10.00 pm
gaueko hamarretan= at 10.00 pm
goizeko bostak= 5.00 am
goizeko bostetan= at 5.00 am
arratsaldeko bostak= 5.00 pm
seiak puntuan= 6.00 o'clock
sei t'erdiak= half past 6.00
seiak eta laurden= 6.15 ("a quarter past six")
zazpiak laurden gutxi= 6.45 ("a quarter to seven")
zazpiak hamar gutxi= 6.50 ("ten to seven")
zazpiak eta hamar= 7.10 ("ten past seven")
zazpiak inguru= around 7.00

NOIZ? (When?)

10etan (at 10.00)
10 t'erdietan (at 10.30)
10ak eta laurdenetan (at 10.15)
10ak laurden gutxitan (at 9.45)
10ak eta bostetan (at 10.05)
10ak bost gutxitan (at 9.55)


Arratsaldean= in the afternoon
Askotan= frequently
Atzo= yesterday
Aurten= this year
Bapatean= suddenly
Bart= last night
Behin ere ez= never
Berandu= late
Beti = always
Bihar= tomorrow
Eguerdian= at noon
Gauean= at night
Goiz= early
Goizean= in the morning
Herenegun= the day before yesterday
Iaz= last year
Inoiz ez= never
Lehen= before
Maiz= frequently
Noizean behin= from time to time
Noiztik?= Since when?
Orain= now
Oraindik= still

3- EXERCISES (Questions and answers, Q & A)

1. Tabernan, goizeko 9etan (In the bar, 9.00 a.m.)

Q.: .........., Inaxi eta Anttoni. Zer behar ...........?
A.: - Egunon, Patxi. Kafesne pare bat, mesedez.
Q.: Zer ordu ........., Patxi?
A.: - Goiz da, .................... dira (9.00 am)

2. Medikuaren kontsultegian, 11.15etan (In the doctor's office, 11.15 am)

Q.: ............, Garcia jauna, zure txanda da, .................. dira (11.15 am)
A.: Egunon, andrea, eskerrik asko. Presa daukat, .............. (12.00) bilera bat ..........

3. Janari dendan. arratsaldeko 5etan (In the grocery store 5.00 pm)

Q.: .............., Andoni, zer behar ..........?
A.: Arratsaldeon, Kontxi. Patata kilo bat emango.................?
Q.: Bai horixe! Besterik?
A.: Arraultze batzuk ere hartuko ............ Patata tortilla bat egin nahi............ afaltzeko.
Q.: Oraindik (5.00 pm).................. dira, ................. da afaria prestatzeko.
A.: Hala da, baina orain ardo batzuk hartzera joango ............ lagunekin, eta gero prestatuko ........... afaria.

4. Autobus geltokian, gaueko 8etan) (In the bus station, 8.00 pm)

Q.: Kaixo, etxekoandre, norako autobusa nahi............?
A. Gabon. Bartzelonarako txartel bat behar ...........
Q. Gaur gauerako, biharko, noizko nahi............ txartela?
A. Gaur gauerako, mesedez.
Q. 10etarako edo 12etarako?
A. 12etarako hobeto. Arraioa! Autobus asko.............Bartzelonarako!
Q. Hala da. Jende asko joaten..........egunero Katalunya aldera. Tori. Bidaia ona izan.
A. Eskerrik asko.


5etan: at 5.00
8etan: at 8.00
9etan: at 9.00
10etarako: by10.00
11.15etan: at 11.15
12etarako: by 12.00
afaltzeko: for dinner
afaria: dinner
aldera: towards
Andoni: Anthony
andrea: madam; Mrs. (Williams andrea=Mrs. Williams)
ardo: wine
arraioa: (excl.) gosh
arratsaldeko 5 etan: at 5.00 in the afternoon
arratsaldeon: Good afternoon
arraultze: egg
asko: a lot
autobus: bus
bai: yes
bai horixe: (excl.) absolutly
baina: but
Bartzelonarako: for Barcelone
bat: one
batzuk: some
behar: need (verb & name)
besterik?: anything else?
bidaia: trip
biharko: for tomorrow
bilera bat: one reunion (bilera: reunion)
daukat: verb EDUKI (to have, to own), 1st person singular
dendan: in the store
edo: or
egin: to do; to make
egunero: every day
egunon: good morning
emango: future form of verb EMAN (give): eman+go
(in northern dialects, the future would be eman+en: EMANEN)
ere: too
eskerrik asko: thanks
eta: and
etxekoandre: lit. housewife; fam. madam
gabon: good evening
Garcia: (a very common name)
gaueko: of the night (gau+ (e)ko)
gauerako: by night (gau+ (e) rako)
gaur: today
geltokian: in the station
gero: after; later
goiz: early; morning
goizeko: of the morning (goiz+ (e)ko
hala da: that's how it is
hartuko: future form of verb HARTU (take): hartu+ko
hartzera: to take (as in "I'm going TO TAKE...")
hobeto: better
Inaxi eta Anttoni: (old fashion fem. names) Ignace and Anthony
izan: to be
janari: food
jauna: sir
jende: people
joango: future form of verb TO GO (joan+go)
joaten: habitual aspect of verb TO GO (joan+ten)
cafesne: cafe au lait, coffee with milk
kaixo: hi! (greeting)
Katalunya: Catalunya
kilo: kilograme
kontsultegian: in the doctor's office
Kontxi: (fem. name) contraction of the name Conception
lagunekin: with the friends (lagun+ekin)
medikuaren: doctor's (mediku+aren)
mesedez: please
nahi: to want
noizko: when....for?
norako: where...for?
on: good
orain: now
oraindik: still
ordu: hour
pare bat: a pair
patata: potato
Patxi: (name masc.) contraction of Francisco (Francis)
presa: hurry
prestatuko: (fut.) to make; to prepare; to cook
prestatzeko: to make, to prepare, to cook (as in "it's late TO COOK dinner")
tabernan: in the bar (taberna+an)
tori: take this! here you are! (giving something)
tortilla: tortilla ("spanish" or "french" style)
txanda: turn (as in "it's your turn")
txartel: ticket
zer: what
zure: your

Note: Exercises will be corrected in the next lesson. You may ask questions on the newsgroup, somebody will probably answer. If you have any suggestions, please write us to


Maria S. Santisteban

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Please report any problems or suggestions to Blas.
Eskerrik asko!